Penguin Decades.
On their Web site, Penguin describes their project:
PenguinDecades bring you the novels that helped shape modern Britain. When they were published, some were bestsellers, some were considered scandalous, and others were simply misunderstood. All represent their time and helped define their generation, while today each is considered a landmark work of storytelling.
For the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, Penguin has given the most influential novels new covers. Each decade includes five novels and was designed by a different artist.
On the Web page for each decade, Penguin summarizes the history of the years, shows the original jackets, provides an artist bio and even includes the link for purchasing the novel with the new cover.
I feel like I blog a lot about artist covers that are just projects and aren't actually getting published. Which is why I see myself hoarding all the Penguin Decades I can get my hands on.
My favorite decade is probably the 80s, illustrated by John Squire.

I think the colors are great, and the simple banner design at the top is so telling of a Penguin novel.
These covers make me just want to go back to the 80s! and, I dont think anyone has ever wanted to go back to the 80s before.
I like the covers from the 70's they are geometrical and colorful! (I am also proud of myself for figuring out how to comment!)<3 B
I agree, Bridget. I do like the colors and the patterns for the 70s. I just feel like the titles are lost a little.
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