Like coffee table books. They will only collect dust and seem cluttery (also, we don't own a coffee table). So instead, I pick through them at a library or a bookshop and then place them back on their shelves.
One of these books is The Wes Anderson Collection
What an exceptionally beautiful book.
Photographs, sketches, and interviews combine to create a really wonderful history of Anderson's life and work.
And because the world is a scary place filled with synchronicity I will never be able to understand, my friend Clare shared this link to a video featuring the books in Wes Anderson films with me while I was prepping this post.
Although don't you feel like there are more books in his films? Hmm...
My best friend sent me these Wes Anderson movie posters for my birthday and I still haven't decided where the perfect place to hang them is.
Royal Tenenbaums book covers
A new Chip Kidd TED Talk!
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